Eckhart Tolle’s Advice On Happiness Is Truly Useful

Chloé Garnham
2 min readNov 15, 2022

Nothing in the external world will ever make you truly happy.

Jackson David on Unsplash.

It’s human nature to seek.

But what if that seeking isn’t leading us to contentment?

What if it’s the very thing that’s leading us away?

The more I’ve lived, the more I’ve realized that nothing in the world can create lasting happiness. No relationship. No material possession. No experience.

It’s true: these external factors can bring temporary happiness.

But none of it lasts

Months, weeks, or even days after acquiring something, a new yearning begins.

The mind tells us that there is always something else to attain in order to feel good.

It’s an endless cycle. A treadmill.

The goalposts between you and true contentment keep moving further and further away.

Eckart Tolle has some helpful advice.

“Always say “yes” to the present moment.”

By dropping into the present moment, in a non-resistant way, we release ourselves from a significant amount of stress.

The most important life lesson is this



Chloé Garnham

Personal development, philosophy, books, & mindfulness. An imperfect person on a journey to a more peaceful life.