I didn’t “quiet quit”. I actually quit and it’s been amazing.

Three years later and I have no regrets, only gratitude for my past self.

Chloé Garnham
3 min readSep 14, 2022
We became digital nomads

In 2019 I wanted only one thing


I was ready to quit the corporate world.

In favor of life I loved.

I knew this was as good as it would get.

After moving around office jobs in New York, London, Hong Kong, and Melbourne, I had a fair understanding of what it’s like to work for a company.

My company paid me well. There was no overtime. I worked in a swanky office with a view of the entire city of Melbourne. I was rarely stressed – except for that day that I send 40K people an email with the opener:

“Hi Sample,”

But that’s another story entirely.

Sure, I could get a promotion, increase my salary, and get a corner office, but ultimately this was it: selling my soul for money.

“Quiet quitting” is on trend for a reason

Having worked in stressful ad agencies in my twenties, I know a thing or two about overtime.

I also know plenty of people who treated their work as if it were…



Chloé Garnham

Personal development, philosophy, books, & mindfulness. An imperfect person on a journey to a more peaceful life. wisewordsbychloe.substack.com/