Mooji’s profound advice that can cure fear
You don’t need to plan a trip to India.
He thought that death had arrived.
One day when the Indian sage Sri Ramana Maharishi was sixteen he suddenly became overwhelmed by fear. Thinking that he may truly die, he lay down like a corpse and welcomed the experience.
He didn’t die though. He had a profound realization instead. He conquered fear through one simple step and understood that there was something beyond the body and the mind that could never cease. He felt a deeper presence so often talked about in religious and spiritual circles.
It is said that Maharishi lived the rest of his life in surrender and peace with devotees traveling the world over to be in his company.
While his experience was unique, his learning provides an insight that we might all learn from — and it’s summarised well by Mooji.
Who is Mooji?
Of all the spiritual teachers I’ve been exposed to, there are only a few I come back to repeatedly.
Eckhart Tolle. Michael Singer. And Mooji.
Mooji is a Jamaican spiritual teacher based in Portugal who gives talks on self, awareness, and spirituality.